Services provided by the McCloud Community Services District
District Services
MCSD owns, operates and maintains the water infrastructure serving the community. The three groundwater spring sources are Intake, Upper Elk and Lower Elk which are all north of town. The spring water is believed to originate from the melting snow and glaciers of Mt. Shasta, is naturally clean and free of solids (dirt) and does not require softening, filtration or chlorination.
Customers are currently served by the sewer infrastructure owned, operated, and maintained by the District. The sewer collection system was fully replaced in a three phased project from 2002 through 2006.
Alleys are private property on which easements have been granted to allow public access; they are not generally owned by the District. Hill Street, South McCloud Avenue and Lawndale Lane are alleys that have been deeded to the District due to unusual circumstances. The District provides basic maintenance (filling the potholes) and alley snow plowing.
Refuse Collection
The District provides refuse collection in McCloud and transports it to the Black Butte Transfer Station in Mt Shasta. Residential rates are charged for the collection of one 60 gallon trash can per week. Residential service is on Mondays, and businesses are allocated to Tuesdays and Fridays. Please have your can accessible at 7 a.m. Additional refuse pre-paid tags are available at the District Office.
Recycling bin for aluminum only located at the MCSD. Revenue from recycled aluminum cans deposited at the District office help fund operation of Hoo Hoo Park.
Park / Recreation
The District owns and maintains Hoo Hoo Park which is located at the corner of Shasta Avenue and E. Colombero Drive. The park budget is funded with voter-approved special taxes which are collected by the County of Siskiyou with property taxes. The facilities include playground equipment, gazebos with public barbecues, horseshoe pits, several ball fields (one is fenced) and a concession stand with restrooms. A community facility known as the Scout Hall is also located in Hoo Hoo Park. All areas of the park are accessible to the public on a first-come-first-served basis or by reservation.
The District owns and maintains a building that houses a Siskiyou County public library. The library is located at 300 E. Colombero Drive. The telephone number is (530) 964-2169. The library is currently open Mondays and Thursdays from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. Maintenance of the library facility is funded by voter-approved special taxes which are collected by the County of Siskiyou with property taxes.
Fire / Ambulance
Emergency fire and ambulance services are provided by the District and funded with voter-approved special taxes which are collected by the County of Siskiyou with property taxes.
The McCloud Volunteer Fire Department provides fire protection services for the community and aids in the protection of the surrounding areas under mutual aid agreements.
The McCloud ambulance responds to calls for medical aid, including vehicle accidents that occur within the defined service area when there are volunteers available for the call.
Become a volunteer firefighter or EMT
Connect with the McCloud Fire Department on Facebook:
or see their webpage: McCloud Fire Department