MCSD Green Waste Area.
As of 11-10-2022 we will begin burning the burn piles a few at a time. There will be a sign posted at the green waste entrance site that notifies people they are controlled burn piles, Do Not Report. We have worked with Cal Fire and our local Siskiyou County Air Quality Control District to ensure we have plans in place to monitor and minimize smoke impacts.
New limited Green Waste use Hours- We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause. Due to several recent unauthorized use violations we have had to lock the gate at the green waste entrance and only open it to our rate paying customers from 8:00am - 3:00pm on week days that the MCSD is open. The Gate will have to remain locked during the weekend. As a reminder - Do Not dump hot ashes in the green waste area. Do not dump trash. Do not drop off boards with nails or paint and no pressure-treated boards are allowed. Rate paying MCSD customers Only, this means if you do not pay a monthly MCSD fee that includes your weekly refuse can collection you do not have permission to use the green waste area. all other persons must pay at the office before using the green waste area. We greatly appreciate that our community keeps a watchful eye over our green waste area, it has been very helpful in many different cases. please continue to be helpful, we do not want to lose the privilege of being able to provide this service.